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- Side Hustle Selling #004 - Getting Started With An Amazon Seller Account
Side Hustle Selling #004 - Getting Started With An Amazon Seller Account
Let’s Get Started
If you’ve been on the fence, and unsure if you should sign up for an Amazon Seller account, we’ll go through a Step By Step process of signing up, or Registering. Amazon does have their own guide as well for you to reference.
When signing up for your Amazon Seller account, there is a simple 4-Step process:
Fill Out Your Seller Information
Enter Your Billing Information
Enter Your Store Information
Verification of Your Information
Seller Information
The first step is clicking the link! You can do this! Go to https://sell.amazon.com/start and Click Sign up. You’ll most likely already be signed in to the shopping account you already have with Amazon; so you’ll click register now for a Seller Account.
Clicking Register, brings to you another login screen, again you can use the same amazon account you already have. This is an easy way to start. If you want to create an entirely new account you can do that as well. Just click Switch Account, and then Add Account.
You’re then presented with this screen below. This lets you know what you’ll need to go through the process, and will show the steps we are going to go through. You identify where you, or your business is located and Click Begin.
The next screen is where you can choose your business type. In this case, and if you are going to have a personal seller account, simply choose Individual as the business type. You’ll also fill in your name. Remember you’ll be verifying this name against your identification document you will need to provide. Once you’re sure of this information, click Agree and Continue
After filling in your personal data, you’ll also need to fill in a captcha as well as provide a One-Time PIN. Click Send SMS. Please note, if you are using your phone number for another Amazon Account this will not work. You can use a google voice number if you need to. This phone number needs to be unique for this seller account.
Once you verify your One-Time PIN, the next screen tells you what you need to provide for the next step. Once you have read this, understand this, and have the information ready, click Continue.
Billing Information
This is the step in which you’ll provide payment information for the monthly fee. As we discussed in a previous issue, the differences in personal vs professional account. DON’T PANIC! You’ll have the opportunity to downgrade immediately if you have chosen to sell using a personal selling account.
Store Information
In this step you’ll choose a name for your store, as well as let Amazon know if you are selling your own brand, do you have unique UPC (universal product codes), as well as if your business qualifies for any diversity certifications.
The final step is to verify you are who you say you are by uploading some documents. You’ll be required to upload photos of your ID, such as a driving license or passport, as well as upload proof of your address matching your ID such as a credit card or bank statement.
This will get you started. You’ll have to wait a day or two for Amazon to verify your accounts and information. We are excited for you in getting started on your selling journey! Thanks again and happy selling!
Winning Product of the Week
Title: Punky Colour Box Kit Turquoise Hair Dye - For Bleached, Blonde or Highlighted Hair
Platform: Amazon
Cost: 1.00
Selling Price: 7.99
Margin: 23% / $1.85ea
Tip or Trick of the Week
This week, our Tip and Q&A go hand in hand. As in our question below sometimes an Item or brand isn’t available on Amazon. Our Tip is that there are other marketplaces and platforms you can also sell on. You may want to be open to selling on multiple platforms.
There have been multiple times that we were unapproved (gated) in selling a particular brand or product on Amazon. That did not stop us from creating a listing on Walmart, Etsy or Ebay for example.
Every week we answer a question or two from social media or our subscribers.
This week, we got the question:
“I found an amazing deal on a clearance item at my local Home Depot, but I can’t find the product on Amazon. Can you help?”
Good Question from subscriber, Jen.
This does happen. Some items or brands just aren’t on Amazon. There are ways to attempt to get these items added. We’ll go through some methods of new listing creation, brand approval and more in future issues. But in communicating with Jen, when you are out scouting in the field like at The Home Depot, it can be easier to quickly look at other marketplaces, like Walmart or eBay. In this case Jen scanned and added this particular product to eBay while in the field, and began selling them for a 30% margin!
Thank you! We appreciate your support. If you found this helpful and may provide value to others, please forward this to your friend, colleague, neighbor or family member!